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HAIR WIG REVIEW! Real Customer Review! Not Sponsored!Pre-plucked Wig + Bleached Knots!

HAIR WIG REVIEW! Real Customer Review! Not Sponsored!Pre-plucked Wig + Bleached Knots!

“The hairline is so nice and it's already pre-bleached! It does have the fake scalp in it.”

“Everything's basically done so it’s effortless and I don't have to do much work.”

“I like buying this Victoria one in particular just because I really do like the natural colored wigs.”

“If you guys are definitely looking into investing in wigs I would say go to Hairvivi. I am scared to try other companies and I just feel more comfortable with Hairvivi.”

Thanks our royal customer @baddiegalmimi for her real review!

We now give our beautiful Victoria wig in 180% density her own name: Doris!

If you want to get the same density as @baddiegalmimi , click here to bring her home.

hairvivi wig customer review

Tips: Since our wigs are made with 100% virgin human hair, so the hair will dry with the natural straight with little curls which is determined by the nature of human hair. Please don't worry, you can easily flat iron it into a sleek look or roll it up for a curly or wavy look.

1 comentario

I love the hair — I love the body wave — thanks for sharing .

Constance ELISE,

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